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just a nerdy, queer lady in san francisco seattle who wants more people to make websites

layout by cinni


xandra ✨ 358 days ago

productive week of job interviews <3

xandra 🙂 363 days ago

code jam page is finally up :)

xandra 🥱 364 days ago

been so busy, can barely think

xandra 💻 373 days ago

working on the 32-bit cafe's code jam

xandra 🌈 381 days ago

back at it again with another free layout

xandra ☀️ 382 days ago

just got back from a weekend in the sun

xandra 🥹 389 days ago

almost finished with a new layout that'll be up for downloading soon!

xandra 🌈 394 days ago

you're never going to be able to please everybody, so just be happy <3

xandra 🤩 396 days ago

actually had a very productive weekend web-wise :)

xandra 🥰 399 days ago

trying to be love & light

xandra 🥹 403 days ago

love seeing all the personal projects coming

xandra 🎮 404 days ago


xandra 🐶 406 days ago

last day dogsitting :(

xandra 🎮 407 days ago

i'm so late to skyrim

xandra 🐶 410 days ago

lots of love in this house rn

xandra 🥰 411 days ago

can't wait to dogsit my buddy!

xandra ✨ 418 days ago

version 4 is here <3

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