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m15o 🤖 758 days ago

Been playing freecell too much

m15o 💾 761 days ago

Re-learning elisp

m15o 🍕 776 days ago


m15o 🤖 778 days ago

Inbox zero

m15o ⛵ 783 days ago

surfing on the internet

m15o 🔥 784 days ago

@melon that's incredible, Congrats! It takes courage!

m15o ❤️ 788 days ago

@skykristal I'm beyoooond impressed of your profile!

m15o ☕ 792 days ago

coffee time

m15o ☕ 795 days ago

Made a batch of cold brew, and it tastes great

m15o 😭 800 days ago

The site (and all my other projects) were down for the past 24 hours, so sorry for the disruption. :(

m15o 💾 803 days ago

i might have played too much runescape

m15o ☕ 819 days ago

"Dont keep making the same mistakes; try to make new mistakes."

m15o 🔥 823 days ago

Incredible interview cinni!

m15o 🥳 826 days ago

Introducing... https://wobble.town! A strange little place amidst Dusk's End, where pixelated creature seem to have settled.

m15o 🍺 831 days ago

Happy easter y'all! By the way, @airdoggy your profile looks great!

m15o 🍕 833 days ago

Pizza time of the week

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