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Fellow webmaster and doing-random-stuffer.

Some CSS by will/niceopod/deeptwisty, he seems to be better at it than me...

Icons from Forumoji, Mazeguy Smilies, and Silk. Emoji from your operating system :)


vukky 🥱 666 days ago

pretty bored rn tbh lol!!! EDIT: modifying this status instead of popping up in the front page to say that i am moving to

vukky 🤔 673 days ago

now my wobble is back again... silly!!

vukky 🧐 674 days ago

now my wobble is inaccessible to others again... if I'm logged in i see it but it says my ""wobble is gone"" in incognito

vukky 🤔 674 days ago

my wobble was inaccessible to others for a bit but now it's back

vukky 🙂 676 days ago

i love buying a game, spending an hour troubleshooting because linux, sending a refund request, taking a shower, coming back and cancelling it, spending another hour troubleshooting, and getting it to work :)

vukky 🥱 677 days ago

i love buying a game, spending an hour troubleshooting because linux, and refunding it

vukky 🙃 689 days ago

my wobbles keep dying because i forget about them

vukky 🍦 692 days ago

pistachio ice cream my beloved

vukky 🌮 693 days ago

consume subway. yumym

vukky 🧐 694 days ago

teams screenshare is an actual joke

vukky 🙂 697 days ago

i figured out the css yaho

vukky 😡 697 days ago

css prevents my dreams from coming true (it melts my brain)

vukky 🍞 697 days ago

my favorite school dish: bread

vukky 🙃 698 days ago

weekends are strange

vukky 🥗 699 days ago


vukky 🥱 708 days ago

spent my summer break doing nothing interesting

vukky 😶 722 days ago

will never understand people who call pixel art old or associate it with fungible tokens

vukky 🙂 729 days ago

went to an amusement park for many hours. was fun

vukky 🍣 739 days ago

yummy sushi :)

vukky 🙂 756 days ago

happy 90,000 views... i guess...

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