I drafted out nearly 2,000 words today thanks to the all-powerful motivator of spite.

- Homepage
- https://jwhighwind.xyz/
- jwhighwind@gmail.com
- About
- extremely okay poster
no empty head thoughts
ついに初めて日本語の教科書を終えた!(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
my profile page on here is perfect now *except* for the navbar, I dunno how to reposition it or shrink it for just the text
"web design is my passion" I say, as I simply copy and paste code from other people's websites
it's hard to get excited about much these days, knowing things could be so much better than they are.
July 4th might be a fake holiday, but at least the food everyone piles on is good
jw "custom domain" highwind can now be found at https://jwhighwind.xyz/ yeehaw
long-term power outage at my place….again
I think I'm pretty close to checking out of new videogames entirely at this point, sad to say
turned 24 today, all the full-timers at my job signed a birthday card for me ;-;
true cookie mix transcendence finally achieved
finished a book about angry "morally grey" lesbians and got recced Diary of a Wimpy Kid...don't worry ya'll, the algorithms are working fine
now up and running on the site! Now I just gotta think of what to do with the profile page here...
ok, let's see how this thing works