posting? how do people do that???

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took me exactly five (5) days into November to realize it is, in fact, November
got 10 million ideas for new stuff on the site but zero motivation allocated to work on any of them
smells like autumn...
one more god rejected
quadruple vaccine poke get
getting the urge to mess around with RPG Maker again.....hmmmmmmmmm.....
it's too dark in the mornings again, blegh
me, writing a POV character who constantly insists she's tired: "yeah same sis"
rainy season...
sucks that my actual name (γΈγ§γγ΅γ³) is easier to use in Japanese than my nickname (γΈγ§γ€γΌγγγ¦)
why do double negatives make perfect sense when you write them but no sense when you read them
new car, no savings
wouldja look at that, it's "I wanna be good at fighting games again but can't invest the time" season
@kino nice to see another fighting game liker around here!
new job interview went good!!
fuck cars, all my homies hate cars
9000+ word essays aren't *that* long, are they?
officially read more books this year than any year before!!