ijbol thinking about how jank my art school was now here i am
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- jordie is typing…
wish i journaled more when i was happy lol
my dwindling dilly dally time is really starting to get to me…
i don’t need the substance.. i am the better version of me..
imagine only having two days off a week… wait..
don’t make fun of my small monitor…
i’m one degree away from drag race royalty…
forget that i sound different when im not performing as a functional person
my body is betraying me (in my 30s with a zit)
everything is embarrassing!!!
watching a throuple in peril
guess i’m working until december…
low key my love language is strolling a strip mall
sorry world today i’m the stinky guy at the arcade
can someone make me cry
all my neighbors are moving out… a rent hike i fear…
embarrassing how much ppl care about some company’s ceo
it’s funny how frivolous my spending gets once i know money is around the corner
working on cool projects is fun but forgot how much i love not working..
whenever i’m not home i miss my bidet