It's the first truly lovely (weatherwise) day of the year, perfect for throwing open all the windows...and the neighbour is burning off. D:
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- gave up trying to care a long time ago :: probably going to steal your very very original website idea :: trans women are women, end of story
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autonomic neuropathy! am I hot? am I cold? who knows! I don't! :D NERVE DANCE! (...still yet to choreograph said 'nerve dance', admittedly.)
Twitter wants a scan of my *govt ID* before they'll let me download an archive of my own damn tweets. what the flying dessert fork.
pondering a "digital garden", but...much like everything else I sign up for, no ideas to start with D:
note to ex-smokers: ...try not to re-indulge, even if you know it's just going to be a one time thing. your throat will thank you.
Happy birthday to me.
Maybe I'm just expecting too much from life, the universe, and everything.
imood can fuck right off. or its mod can, I don't know, whatever.
Can you picture what will be? / So limitless and free / Desperately in need / Of some stranger's hand / In a desperate land
@lilliphilia I for one am made joyous with every single resurrection of yours 💞
Baby, baby, baby, gimme that dopamine rush~
Nerves are weird little red stringy monsters.
oh, and @nowhereandhere -- you are literally one of my favouritest people. *squish*
Let's do the migraine dance! ...except let's do it lying down, in a very dark room, after taking some ibuprofen.
Just two days of crazyhorrible heat, then we'll have a reprieve...full of more rain...T____T
the "creative web" has been around since Web 1.0 died, it's just that nobody paid any attention to those of us who were part of it.
I don't belong here. I don't belong anywhere. I'm such a bloody moron.
♪ Not now, John, I've gotta get on with this~ ♫
Ai múco, sin atacarilwë put it as an elf might.