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eightzero 🐶 91 days ago

snoopy come home

eightzero 🙂 92 days ago

My dad's dead, my FIL dead, my kids dead. Happy father's day, hallmark.

eightzero 🙂 92 days ago

Me today: "I'll be more productive tomorrow." Also me tomorrow: "I'll be more productive tomorrow."

eightzero 🍸 94 days ago

another fine day of fucking off until the sun appears over the yardarm

eightzero ✈️ 95 days ago

sure wish i knew wtf I'm getting into

eightzero 🌧️ 105 days ago

there's something wrong with me when i realize I'm pissed off about not being pissed off about the rain. that realization pisses me off

eightzero 💾 106 days ago

can't tell you how much i enjoy talking to banks on the phone

eightzero 💤 111 days ago

Step 1: schedule a nap. Step 2: take nap. Step 3: goto step 1.

eightzero 🏆 114 days ago

I came; I saw; I cleaned the place the fuck up

eightzero ✈️ 118 days ago

and poof there goes another metric fucktonne of money on a vacation. at this rate I won't have any left to take with me when i die

eightzero ✈️ 121 days ago

I need a vacay to recover from my vacay

eightzero 🙂 128 days ago

went out to see the aurora last night, got a great view of my neighbor's new security floodlights that were on all night. fml

eightzero ☀️ 129 days ago

c'mon vacay weather

eightzero 😶 130 days ago

today would be a good day to simply list and reflect on all the really, really bad choices I've made in life. might take longer than today.

eightzero 😡 130 days ago

i am running out of excuses

eightzero ☀️ 131 days ago

c'mon sunny weather for the vacay next week c'mon

eightzero 😎 134 days ago

the weather watch for next weeks vacay is on

eightzero 🎁 136 days ago

looking forward to the day FedEx makes their service useable

eightzero 🌧️ 136 days ago

here comes the shitty weather

eightzero 👀 137 days ago

me be nosey mcnoseface

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