getting to be where i wonder if I will recover from any future illness. none of us getting out of here alive you know
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hydrating know....
trying to decide if there really is any point or purpose of having my own website/ blog. not sure if I give a shit anymore.
wake me up when september ends
a fresh, correctly made bagel is a thing of beeyoutee
I should turn off this AI crap
sun approaches yardarm
need a hairscut, but afraid it won't grow back
i really don't give a shit about college football. call me when they post the players' salaries on the screen
going home tomorrow from vacation and then i'll be going on vacation.
one point twenty one jigawatts
vacay countdowns
vacay approaches. why be stressed about a vacay? wcgw? (checks weather, signs of local strife, wars, NTSB reports, airline meltdowns)
ah the cesspool of social media. haters gonna hate, liars gonna lie, disinformation, and denial. just fookoff
scares me when my dogs get sick
i love my dogs
today is one of those days where i have nothing to say, so I am going to be loquacious in doing so
Friday. This is where I sit patiently and await the appearance of the sun over the yardarm.