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eightzero ✅ 1 hour ago

marked myself safe from the Olympics

eightzero 🥳 1 day ago

no jury dooty for me

eightzero ✈️ 2 days ago

tick...tick TICK

eightzero 🧐 2 days ago

this list of things i used to understand and now suddenly don't grows

eightzero 😱 3 days ago

Yep, I missed out on teen love. Why? Because I fucked it up. AND I DON"T EVER GET TO TRY THAT AGAIN

eightzero 🍸 4 days ago

planning my coming weekend drunkeness on monday. gonna be a long week

eightzero ⛳️ 4 days ago

golfed. declared it fun.

eightzero 🧐 5 days ago

things that are never completed: gardens. education. good engineering.

eightzero 😡 6 days ago

cloudstrike....when the walls fell. Fists wide, with closed fist.

eightzero 🥱 6 days ago

relax. it's just crowdstrike, not an EMP from a first strike.

eightzero 🤔 7 days ago

I don't always test my software, but when I do, I do it on the production server.

eightzero 😎 8 days ago

living life to the fullest because i know what's coming

eightzero 💀 11 days ago

that AI shit is evil

eightzero 🧐 16 days ago

I have a solution to the question about what to do when it is hot and you don't have a/c: Easy. Get a/c. Solved.

eightzero ❄️ 16 days ago

tell me when winter is here

eightzero 🙂 17 days ago

Your best? Losers always whine about doing their best. Winners get to go home and fuck the prom queen.

eightzero 🤔 17 days ago

im giving thought to becoming an orion trader dealing in green women slaves

eightzero 😡 18 days ago

do or do not there is no try

eightzero 🥳 19 days ago

whelp, I'm not pregnant

eightzero 🔥 19 days ago

curses. foiled again.

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