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eightzero 🥳 62 days ago

whelp, I'm not pregnant

eightzero 🔥 62 days ago

curses. foiled again.

eightzero 🐶 63 days ago

we're going home, toto! we're going home!

eightzero 🤔 69 days ago

"i have my answers" "I assure you they are all true" "even the lies?" "*especially* the lies"

eightzero 📺 70 days ago

fuck hotels that disable access to HDMI ports on their tvs

eightzero 🧐 72 days ago

i might simply switch to lip-syncing through life

eightzero 🙂 73 days ago

vacay = just throw munny out dat window in fistfuls

eightzero ✨ 74 days ago

turns out I am pretty good at doing nothing all day

eightzero 🤔 75 days ago

I'm reminded that all humans have a projected lifetime of about three minutes. And each time we take a breath, that clock resets.

eightzero 🥱 76 days ago

alas, i have exhausted all my fucks I had to give

eightzero 🎁 76 days ago

look. i sold something on eBay

eightzero ✈️ 76 days ago

who knew planning a vacay would be so complicated

eightzero 💻 77 days ago

i inherited a digital pencil for my iPad. Wonder what it can do?

eightzero 🌈 78 days ago

11. Fuck Louisiana

eightzero 😂 79 days ago

i have a werwy gwood fwend fwom wome named biggus dickus

eightzero ✅ 81 days ago

demolition complete. i really like tearing worthless sh*t apart, and throwing it all the f*ck away.

eightzero 🐶 82 days ago

snoopy come home

eightzero 🙂 83 days ago

My dad's dead, my FIL dead, my kids dead. Happy father's day, hallmark.

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