I'm not going to work tomorrow. mostly because I don't have a job. and this is not ever, ever going to change. fuck work.
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the big dark cometh
voted. just hope it isn't the last time I get to do so.
vax day tomorrow. just put this stuff in the water like fluoride.
I don't want a house. i want a house that I live in and that someone else maintains. there's a difference.
fedex said they'd deliver my package yesterday. we know that was a lie
how can young people be so smart when they are also so young. doesn't it take time for you to learn all that stuff?
contrary to popular belief, sometimes it is better to be not at all rather than late.
new word of the day: websterbating
the lord says I'm gonna make it through this, but He's pretty sure you're fucked
sometimes i get dem menstrual cramps real bad
there. more miles on a bike this year than last. finis.
I like you relaxing refreshing REM sleep, but yoy you have to be so fucking weird?
aye got an idee for a fookin sport...i hit a ball in a gofer hole...
pondering why i didn't have babies sorta makes me ill
I'm old. I used to say it beats the alternative, but there are times I question this.
im not ready for fall, winter, rain, snow, cold, dark
I've reached that point where the limit to how much I can travel is not how much my bank account can handle but how much my body can handle.
when did life stop being that grand adventure & turn to just something to be tolerated? fuck careers, how did any of that matter?