thinking of doing an mit open course.. intro to algorithms?
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- 👋 hey it's me dozens!
@lucidiot you don't need a stop button man just open the dang door!!
went for a run. felt good because of autumn
the '+30 seconds' button is pretty much the only one i use on my microwave idea: one button microwave
chess scandal
hot run was hot
Started a sit-down challenge kind of on a whim today. Mostly for myself. Feel free to join!!
@lucidiot welcome to the cafe friendo!
i made too much oatmeal
I never want to hear "... a high volume of emails, so our response time may be slightly longer than usual" from anybody ever again.
minecraft is good for my mental health because you can just ACCOMPLISH things. like, check. i did a thing. nice. gonna log off now.
the first three tracks of Hounds of Love are absolute bangers, i can't even stand it
@marzka of course! do it!
of course! do it!
@marzka wrote a tenpo ko clock today!
nobody was "meant" to do anything. there is only practice/training + opportunity. i don't think i believe in callings or "purpose".
First day back at work after a vacation is always a challenge.
the violent femmes are the best 90s band of the 80s
okay time to stop working on my new ttrpg, and start prepping for D&D that starts in 45 minutes 😬
thinkin bout rss