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👋 hey it's me dozens!

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dozens 🤔 827 days ago

thinking of doing an mit open course.. intro to algorithms?

dozens 💡 834 days ago

@lucidiot you don't need a stop button man just open the dang door!!

dozens ❄️ 834 days ago

went for a run. felt good because of autumn

dozens 😛 837 days ago

the '+30 seconds' button is pretty much the only one i use on my microwave idea: one button microwave

dozens 😱 837 days ago

chess scandal

dozens 🔥 839 days ago

hot run was hot

dozens ☕️ 849 days ago

i made too much oatmeal

dozens 💀 850 days ago

I never want to hear "... a high volume of emails, so our response time may be slightly longer than usual" from anybody ever again.

dozens 💡 854 days ago

minecraft is good for my mental health because you can just ACCOMPLISH things. like, check. i did a thing. nice. gonna log off now.

dozens 🎶 855 days ago

the first three tracks of Hounds of Love are absolute bangers, i can't even stand it

dozens 🥳 858 days ago

of course! do it!

dozens 💀 859 days ago

nobody was "meant" to do anything. there is only practice/training + opportunity. i don't think i believe in callings or "purpose".

dozens 😭 859 days ago

First day back at work after a vacation is always a challenge.

dozens 🎶 891 days ago

the violent femmes are the best 90s band of the 80s

dozens 👽 894 days ago

okay time to stop working on my new ttrpg, and start prepping for D&D that starts in 45 minutes 😬

dozens 🤔 895 days ago

thinkin bout rss

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