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he/him scruffy monkeyhanger sysadmin cyclist Melbourne, Boonwurrung land, Aus


ajft ☕️ 165 days ago

refilling the coffee mug and watching the outside temperature climb

ajft 😛 395 days ago

Yippee! Celebrating wildly as I finally get my password changed by @m15o and can log back in

ajft 💻 653 days ago

starting work on patching some servers in 3... 2... 1... *barp* 18:00, here we go

ajft 🙂 668 days ago

one logged in tab here, cannot login elsewhere as password manager's saved password is incorrect and there's no 'recover account' workflow

ajft 🙂 688 days ago

Read @aywren's "Updated the RAM in my PC today!" and remembered a time when that could have meant 16k to 32k... or even 64k!

ajft 😱 696 days ago

suspecting that I may be watching everything start to fall apart

ajft 😱 710 days ago

Struggling to close off some or any of a far too long list of partially started TODO items

ajft ☕️ 738 days ago

therapeutically warming coffee in 3... 2... 1...

ajft 🍞 739 days ago

it is time for some fruit toast

ajft 😇 739 days ago

tentatively, oh so very tentatively, I have started tidying up the overwhelming amount of STUFF on my desk

ajft 💀 743 days ago

sitting through 90 minutes of %vendor presentation/roadmap/buzzwordage

ajft ☕ 745 days ago

sitting in a 90minute presentation, I would really appreciate a cup of coffee

ajft ❄️ 745 days ago

cold toes, cold fingers, trying to get enthused in today's work

ajft 😯 752 days ago

Ugh, had to submit an "about me" couple of paragraphs for the work newsletter and it just feels uncomfortable

ajft ☕ 754 days ago

Preparing to endure the next meeting

ajft 😛 754 days ago

sipping what is possibly one too many glasses of red

ajft 💾 757 days ago

Doing end of month things that aren't quite fully automated but possibly could be

ajft 💾 757 days ago

linking various things together, trying to not create any loops in the process

ajft 🙂 757 days ago

enough #wfh for one day, time for some bicycle

ajft 📰 758 days ago

rebooting the recalcitrant server

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