i feel like every video essayist in the world has made a video titled "why gay people love horror" at least once each. its kind of funny

- Homepage
- https://wygolvillage.neocities.org/
- wygolvillage@gmail.com
- About
- it/its. i run a a personal website with interactive games and other stuff. come check it out if you want idk
lollll i work on my bday this year
beat large cavern on lvl 1 cap hard mode in castlevania ooe today HELL YEAH
la chiesa (1989) is a very cool movie
huh, my site is pretty well archived on the wayback machine. that's kind of a nice feeling
twin peaks is so good, i wish i bothered to start watching it sooner
got random whinny audio working for the stable... but it only seems to work in firefox. so i reverted the change
omg im getting a lot of new followers on neocities. hi everyone!
you guys are going to love this upcoming shrine i can tell you that much
all the text, graphics and more are finished for my shrine! so now it's just up to when I can find time to code all of it...
finally realized that i just didn't know how font-face was supposed to work so thats fixed now so all my fonts should display right now!
is there anything better than grey, rainy, wintery days?
slowly but surely finishing up the writing for my shrine....
got genuinely shocked by what i thought would be a season of trash television. pleasantly surprising
okay i THINK i am done rearranging files for now
reorganized a bunch of images in the menagerie. grins
YAY i finished all the graphics for my shrine project. now to write the damn thing
nosferatu was soooo good holyshit
currently working on making the arcade look a little fancier. no more plaintext links!!!