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it/its/she/her, lesbian, Castlevania fan, I run the Forgemasters Castlevania forum and a personal website


wygolvillage 🌙 12 hours ago

so much back pain lately. owww

wygolvillage 🌙 3 days ago

fried apples so fucking yummy ?

wygolvillage 🌙 5 days ago

FINALLY done drawing the shoes for my dressup game I HATE SHOES

wygolvillage 🌙 5 days ago

feeling betterish but still sick. coughs weakly

wygolvillage 🌙 8 days ago

jesus i am sick as a dog rn

wygolvillage 🌙 10 days ago

so many rainy days lately.... <3

wygolvillage 🌙 12 days ago

slowly but surely working on a dressup game...!!!

wygolvillage 🌙 17 days ago

eggs and bacon tastes so heavenly when youve made it

wygolvillage 🌙 19 days ago

moving day is.... TODAY

wygolvillage 🌙 20 days ago

my moving-related nerves are catching up to me again lol

wygolvillage 🌙 21 days ago

new shrine is FINALLY here

wygolvillage 🌙 26 days ago

site stuff on pause until im finished moving. hang tight everyone ^_^

wygolvillage 🌙 29 days ago

if i had a nickel for every time i heard the cure in a taco restaurant id have 3

wygolvillage 🌙 31 days ago

packing to get ready to move is so scaries

wygolvillage 🌙 32 days ago

new shrine on the way.... soonish!

wygolvillage 🌙 33 days ago

i beat gremory FIRST TRY on dominique's curse

wygolvillage 🌙 36 days ago

might be moving NEXT MONTH WHAT

wygolvillage 🌙 38 days ago

beat the hard boss fight. smiles serenely

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