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so you're telling me a worm made this soup?


currently feeling: The current mood of whirm at www.imood.com


wormsauce ✨ 141 days ago

writing whumpfic

wormsauce 🌈 142 days ago

tomorrow: Absolutely Nothing!!! no responsibilities or i'll collapse into dust and particles

wormsauce 😶 142 days ago

things are gonna be fine. it's fiiine it's fine. everything is fine

wormsauce 🤩 142 days ago

pain yaaay yaaay Pain Labyrinth

wormsauce 😴 143 days ago

today was stressful and i am very tired. the appointment itself went well but i hope i can fix my sleep schedule before my next appointment

wormsauce ☀️ 144 days ago

i'm doing what i can. even if stuff would be better if i wasn't like this, i am, so all i can do is my best

wormsauce 🙂 144 days ago

me when cleaning gives me an entire headache and makes me tired out for the rest of the day

wormsauce 😎 144 days ago

i cleaned a lot today. also, i've decided i only get to worry about things for 1 hour a day max, the rest of the day is for doing or resting

wormsauce ✨ 145 days ago

i think my art is getting better

wormsauce 😱 145 days ago

me when i spend hours upon hours deep diving into cleaning products only to find out regular ol' diluted bleach is the best

wormsauce 🎶 146 days ago

i love antonio wife

wormsauce 🍔 146 days ago

i had spaghetti

wormsauce 😡 147 days ago

shut the freak up!!!

wormsauce 🥺 147 days ago

get phone call -> pissed off because i'm sick of phone calls -> it's the most soft-voiced robot reminding me of my appointment

wormsauce 💡 148 days ago

i want a tattoo would it be insane to get a worm wrapped around a violin

wormsauce 🙃 148 days ago

stressed out again, need to calm down so i can work on art but it's hard to reach comfort right now

wormsauce 💔 148 days ago

sick of seeing untagged posts about irl murders and deaths. some people can't handle that shit it's not hard to add "cw death" or whatever

wormsauce 🎮 148 days ago

i bought and played the funny little gator game because it was on sale. i think i finished almost the entire game it's very cute and fun

wormsauce 🌱 149 days ago

i wanna go outside so bad

wormsauce 🌧️ 149 days ago

going to try having a far less stressful day.

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