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wolf guy on the web!
check out my website

wolfsite @ neocities


wolfsite 🌈 48 days ago

I'm going to my first ever pride event today!! (^w^)

wolfsite 💻 50 days ago

for the first time in a while, new website layout in the works!

wolfsite 🌈 55 days ago

happy pride month everypony!!

wolfsite 🐶 64 days ago

I got barked at today. next time I'm barking back

wolfsite 🍔 67 days ago

dungeon meshi fixation is in full swing!! laios is so me guys

wolfsite 🎬 69 days ago

living my best life, got a re-animator dvd at a local store for $10!!

wolfsite 📺 77 days ago

rewatching the x-files from start to finish :3

wolfsite 💔 78 days ago

I'm sick again THIS SUCKS!!

wolfsite ❤️ 79 days ago

I should make powerpoint presentations of my hyperfixations for fun I think

wolfsite 🍔 85 days ago

dungeon meshi and dead plate are taking over my mind!!!

wolfsite ☀️ 87 days ago

it's so fucking hottt... I'm not a fan of summer

wolfsite 💀 90 days ago

there's something to be said about the way the camera captures the dead

wolfsite 🎱 91 days ago

got a new haircut today :3

wolfsite 🐶 96 days ago

saw a fellow fur at a local antique show!

wolfsite ✏️ 107 days ago

wanna look into getting a raspberry pi

wolfsite 📚 111 days ago

drinking tea and reading red dragon

wolfsite ❄️ 114 days ago

my bf bucky'd my brain and now I'm all winter soldier

wolfsite 🤒 119 days ago

I got sick again. boo!!

wolfsite 🐶 126 days ago

I love having a website!! :3

wolfsite 📚 133 days ago

yippie!! pi day!!

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