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wolf guy on the web!
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wolfsite @ neocities


wolfsite 🐶 144 days ago

bought my first collar today!!

wolfsite 🌧️ 147 days ago

feeling eepy lately...

wolfsite 📺 155 days ago

happy bride of reanimator day!!

wolfsite 📺 159 days ago

saw possibly in michigan for the first time. it is SOO good!!

wolfsite 🐶 160 days ago

meow meowww!!

wolfsite 📰 167 days ago

I promise I'm alive! I haven't had much time to code lately

wolfsite 🍞 187 days ago

baking bread with my friend :3

wolfsite 🎲 190 days ago

I love dungeons and dragons GRRR

wolfsite 🎬 198 days ago

watching reanimator for the millionth time! I love this movie so much it's unreal

wolfsite 💻 202 days ago

I love coding so much. big puzzle fan. if something doesn't work, I relish in problem solving

wolfsite ✨ 207 days ago

happy new yuri hehe

wolfsite 🎶 209 days ago


wolfsite 💔 209 days ago

tempted to start learning about touhou but I can't handle another interest rn grr

wolfsite 🎮 210 days ago

playing splatoon for the first time!!

wolfsite 🎶 213 days ago

the color purple is soo good

wolfsite 🎁 214 days ago

merry krismas deltarunes

wolfsite 💾 219 days ago

visited an old game/comic/video store near my house for the first time :3

wolfsite 💡 220 days ago

need to work on my interest pages soon! haven't had much time to code lately

wolfsite 🎬 241 days ago

thinking really really hard about reanimator

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