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winrg 😶 127 days ago


winrg 😶 129 days ago

the return

winrg ✏️ 143 days ago

a book about college called "i have no ideas and i must write"

winrg 🙃 144 days ago


winrg 💤 145 days ago

back home

winrg 😶 148 days ago

really, what is the point in only having happy emojis? if i wanted such a filtered view of the world id log onto threads.

winrg 📖 150 days ago


winrg 🙃 151 days ago

4.5 books of aristotle 3 essays 5 days

winrg ✨ 153 days ago

there should really be a on-support-call-for-40-goddamn-minutes-for-nothing emoji

winrg 💻 154 days ago

god damn is nice

winrg 💤 154 days ago

___ / \ | Z | \__ | \|

winrg 💻 155 days ago

at least i got something done.

winrg 📖 157 days ago

sigh, greek is hard

winrg 😶 158 days ago

today's gonna SUCK

winrg 🥱 159 days ago

requiem was cool

winrg 🎬 161 days ago

god i hate getting yelled at by stupid motherfuckers while i fix their shit for them

winrg 📺 162 days ago

everything's working out. and i showed a friend the walten files

winrg 😶 164 days ago

i wish there was just a regular frown

winrg 💀 165 days ago


winrg 🔥 166 days ago

the fuckin heat man

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