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willowashmaple 🐱 456 days ago

After five years of not using it, I installed the new Opera browser (Opera One developer preview). I'm so far impressed.

willowashmaple 🐱 457 days ago

gopher and gemini browsers can save you money on mobile data.

willowashmaple 🙃 465 days ago

I miss being delusional. At least I was somewhat happy.

willowashmaple 🐱 467 days ago

good morning cat, good morning butt

willowashmaple 🌧️ 467 days ago

abolish the inept national weather service, create a bureau of climactic control within the pentagon, fair weather and bumper crops for all

willowashmaple 🌧️ 467 days ago

the united states of america has enough money and military resources to control the weather of the whole world but no it wouldn't

willowashmaple 🐱 486 days ago

it's past midnight and i'm feeling hyperactive

willowashmaple 😛 486 days ago

the song of songs is a story of a polygamous tin pot dictator with a harem, featuring human trafficking, love triangle, and smut

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