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weird girl extraordinaire

Mae by hornet-s


wichitalk 🙂 24 days ago

was trying to fix a bug and was like "computer!!" my job is to be lego batman...

wichitalk 🎷 37 days ago

is there anyone in the audience, currently living in vain?

wichitalk 💡 81 days ago

godliness as disruption. routine is the great deadener

wichitalk 🎱 83 days ago

nothing gets me more into stardew valley than finals season

wichitalk 🙂 85 days ago

secrets must be hunted for and held tightly

wichitalk 🙂 106 days ago

good luck, babe!

wichitalk ☀️ 158 days ago

i <3 media queries

wichitalk ✨ 165 days ago

summer internship in wizardry

wichitalk 🙂 335 days ago

should really make my website responisve but UGH what a snore

wichitalk 🙂 336 days ago

back in business baby

wichitalk 🎱 481 days ago

you have to get growling

wichitalk 🎱 507 days ago


wichitalk 🙂 507 days ago

school is a bore

wichitalk 🙂 508 days ago

playing disco elysium...im such a fucked up detective (gotta upload my quote page...)

wichitalk 💻 515 days ago

everyday i think my homepage can't get cooler and BOOM. it does.

wichitalk 🙂 515 days ago

SNOW DAY. gonna sleep in and read empire falls and meander around the library

wichitalk 💻 521 days ago

loveeeee making webpages. hate uploading to neocities.

wichitalk 💻 523 days ago

i have this very weird mutation of senioritis that manifests through spending all my time coding weird web pages instead of doing homework

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