i miss being a teen girl who did nothing but crytype. simpler times

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- https://vivarism.net/
- flonnepocket@gmail.com
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♪ Flonne ┐ 24 ┐ Unhinged ♪
I am the only one allowed to say bad words in my guestbook
>ready to kill myself >period arrives the next day Like clockwork
It could always be worse!
enjoy the fun moments, treasure the chance to connect
there are wrong ways to live, but no right answers to life
job interview o( ̄w ̄*)ゞ i should prepare but um instead i'm gonna play video games
not MY fault if the steven universe ost still slaps.....
(through tears) i can do hard things
having a brown cow = choco milk moment
help me leave this CORNER OF THE ROOOOM. i'm REACHING OUT to YOUUUUUUU, 'cause I've got things i could TAAALK TO YOU ABOUUTTTT
weeping and sobbing at the judy blume documentary
i can have a little zest for life. as a treat
addicted to genshin impact. i want hu tao so bad!!!
I, too, can be normal
I am a Sans fangirl. A Sansgirl, if you will.
There are people out there who love CSS as much as I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
suddenly desperate for TamaTown Tune x MEGALOVANIA
if Sans is eating chisps then I want to lick and suck all the salt crumbs off his fingers. Simple as.
nothing more life-giving than canon x OC