i wanna take a bath with sans...

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♪ Flonne ┐ 24 ┐ Unhinged ♪
food related love songs currently stuck in my head: Kuroge Wagyu Joshio Tan Yaki 680 Yen && Milk (from Confessions)
what a nice birthday i had! now i'm super sleepy... zzz
i need to be smaller. i need to be the size of a grain of rice. i want to be a little bacterium floating in a stagnant pool
(eats and sleeps enough) wow! i've become God!!
Im not eating or sleeping enough... I wish I would not treat myself so poorly
going down again. it's ok. it will go back up again, too
Joy of receiving packages
love sans loves sans love sans
it will never be perfect... but it never needed to be perfect. instead it will be okay, and okay is enough. just living is plenty.
update: this weekend i did valuable things!!!!!!!!! now i need to rest for two years. goodnight.
Too busy playing video games to do anything of value
sans undertale
friends of mineral town running sfx
up all night playing on my computer
I hope that i can do good things from time to time. I hope it's not all a waste
(blatant cry for help) (blatant cry for help) (blatant cry for help)
If i post "i wish i could suibait" does that count as suibait in and of itself? Asking for the part of me that wants to fucking die