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Just here to yap.


trinityexe 📚 1 day ago

semester over soon. what a waste of a summer.

trinityexe ✨ 11 days ago

here's where the story ends - the sundays

trinityexe 🌙 14 days ago

very real possibility that I'm mentally ill. Normal nighttime thought.

trinityexe 💾 19 days ago

i want to rip my face off

trinityexe 🥳 25 days ago

Enrolling in kickboxing so i can hurt people

trinityexe 💡 26 days ago

Hypothetical: What if everything is going to be alright

trinityexe 🍕 34 days ago

Pizza tomorrow, life might just be worth living

trinityexe ☀️ 58 days ago

uncomfortably hot wednesday

trinityexe 🎶 64 days ago

Jai Paul, nuff said.

trinityexe 💤 75 days ago

so many ideas. too much i want to achieve or attempt.

trinityexe ✏️ 83 days ago

aaand now i gotta find a new guestbook

trinityexe 📖 92 days ago

Just need finals to hurry up pls

trinityexe ☀️ 96 days ago

Sometimes you just gotta get boba and call it a day

trinityexe 🙂 98 days ago

I got a really underwhelming haircut, I think i'm cooked

trinityexe 💻 107 days ago

studying tekken frame data instead of python, i'm cooked

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