got drenched in the raiiiin

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Distant Worlds was awesome!! the woltrade was so good too i filled out my stickerbook already
hdd died with all my website work in it but i am ITCHING to code it all again, it's free fresh start!
got hit with design block on sitenav orz
been staring so hard at text i think my eyes are seeing colours, it's time to do a big snooze
changed 1 font on my draft and bam threw my layouts all out of whack...
wow cant believe im grinding maple yet again
wol sticker exchange is so good
spent some time today making fridge magnets out of holiday photos! they look super cute aaaaa
the age-old adage of 'i want to toss everything i've coded so far into the trash and start again from a white page'
positive vibes for everyone today! \o/
waiting for people who will never come, am now in the satellite zone
task failed successfully!
summertime heat be killing me rn help
baby steps in linux, hoping to one day fully move away from windows (keeping that aesthetic tho im sadly a sucker for w95 chunkyness)
danteh... you gotta meet your harem danteh.......
ah yes, half broken formatting right after i submit, as always LMAO
messing around with the code and learning a bit of html magic <3 <3 love the progress
move aside raid tuesdays ITS LIMBUS THURSDAYS TIME
the invisible wall is real