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constantly on the radio


toast 🥳 28 days ago


toast 🍞 73 days ago

sometimes its just nice to drift and listen to the stories of passers-by

toast 🥱 86 days ago

2am coding session lesgoooo

toast 🥹 93 days ago

dog is using my foot as his pillow. semd help im dying from his cuteness

toast 🐶 109 days ago

charlie smells of cabbage

toast 💻 149 days ago

jumped at the chance to code again lmao

toast 🐶 151 days ago

brought charlie to the dog park!!

toast 🥳 174 days ago

less than a week left to chinese new year!!

toast 🌧️ 200 days ago

listen i hate mornings too but idk why waking up when its still dim and foggy is just so... magical, without needing to rush anywhere

toast 💤 204 days ago

time? ain't got none of that yo i'm busy in lalaland

toast 💻 225 days ago

messed around some more with the statuscafe css >:)

toast 🫖 225 days ago

on saturday we go to the tea shop........ i can't wait!!

toast 🙂 237 days ago

FP guys please help: is paperian an fp-friendly brand? debating getting some of their letter paper but idk if theyre okay with wet nibs

toast 🙂 239 days ago

renpy my beloved you have speech bubbles now!!

toast 😎 242 days ago

's been a real good selfcare day!

toast 🤩 244 days ago

water based nail polish where have you been all my life

toast 📰 259 days ago

they sent a free stamp booklet in the mail, the stamps look so pretty :O

toast 🎮 272 days ago

spent the day repairing and updating the ol' faithful 3ds, going out later for mutton soub with the fam :)

toast 🌧️ 275 days ago

got drenched in the raiiiin

toast 🎶 293 days ago

Distant Worlds was awesome!! the woltrade was so good too i filled out my stickerbook already

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