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theenderdraco πŸ“° 5 days ago

i guess you could say it's so joever (calling all USA bitches. please survive)

theenderdraco πŸ’€ 15 days ago

context for prev: goofy and the muppet versions are the only acceptable jacob marley iterations all the other ones can catch these HANDS

theenderdraco πŸ’€ 15 days ago

if I have to see another reaction image of that crusty-ass chained up freak im gonna start biting people. hes been ruined for me

theenderdraco πŸ’€ 57 days ago

houghchb. oughhgfvh. aughbhghk < decided to eat condensed milk that expired 3 years ago yesterday

theenderdraco 🀐 58 days ago

hahaaa nothing like being reminded of a shitty person you were trying to forget the very existence of. fun

theenderdraco πŸ’» 81 days ago


theenderdraco πŸ€– 81 days ago

idc if youre literally neurodivergent and a minor youre annoyiiiiiing can you not relate everything to your ocs for all of 2 seconds

theenderdraco 😑 95 days ago

oh sure yall can lash out and be irritable when YOURE stressed but when i express any sort of annoyance then I'M cranky and unreasonable. ok

theenderdraco πŸ™ƒ 108 days ago

why are you coming into *my* dms to talk shit about my best friend……….

theenderdraco πŸ₯Ί 121 days ago

being an empath sucks ASS bro what do u mean my friends being upset also makes me too upset to help them feel better

theenderdraco 😯 135 days ago

everybody gangsta until the 27 page confession document starts making the rounds on twitter

theenderdraco 🌈 138 days ago

what if we kissed in front of the homophobic splatoon 3 graffiti post (and we were both girls) πŸ˜³πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

theenderdraco πŸ€– 174 days ago

anyways annoying person left server incident 1 gone 1 celebrating take that constant negativity out of here girlie byeeeeee

theenderdraco πŸ’» 174 days ago

β€œerm there seems to be favoritism” bro youve been in this chat for less than 24 hrs we dont rly know you. god forbid other ppl are friends

theenderdraco 😢 228 days ago

please. please please dont leave. dont be mad. i can't do this today. i'm so so so so so tired of this

theenderdraco πŸ“° 242 days ago

"so how's it going" IT'S GOING REAL BAD PROFESSOR

theenderdraco 🎁 285 days ago

happy 20th birthday to me!! woo woo

theenderdraco 🎢 304 days ago

who tf is playing "i need a hero" from shrek in the college cafeteria. not complaining i just want to thank them

theenderdraco 🎬 310 days ago

not my teacher talking about using chatgpt for essays,....................

theenderdraco πŸš„ 310 days ago

it was the right stop. kinda. it was actually across the street. I had to run to it but the bus didn’t even leave for 10 minutes im

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