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thecreature 🌧️ 429 days ago

Writing stuff for therapy today and going to a barbecue. Wanna go home lowkey

thecreature 💻 430 days ago

Did some site stuff today and watched a kids musical which was cute. Its almost summer break for me and idk how i feel about that

thecreature 🍷 431 days ago

tired and might be getting sick but finally got to play curse of strahd again so nothing can ruin my day

thecreature 🌧️ 434 days ago

Worrying about not being a full person today amongst other gloomy things you know how it is

thecreature 🙂 435 days ago

Really enjoyed kickboxing today. This random bunch of middle aged socialist squatter dudes is more chill than any professional instructor

thecreature 🥗 435 days ago

gonna mix up all my leftover vegetables today

thecreature 🥱 437 days ago

had such a good nap today but now i have to go do multiple meetings ugh

thecreature ✏️ 438 days ago

started seriously drafting my novel. Been a very long time since ive done a big writing project but wanna get back into it

thecreature 📖 439 days ago

Visiting a poetry festival makes me want to write again. But the brain is fried every day

thecreature 🙃 440 days ago

Sometimes it's just you and your eye infection against the world

thecreature 🥗 441 days ago

tired and achy after a night of stress dreams but had tasty dinner so all is well (fried flatbreads with vegetable mix)

thecreature 🚄 442 days ago

Taking the bus today. As a treat

thecreature 💾 443 days ago

gonna finish julius mode on dawn of sorrow soon!!

thecreature 📚 446 days ago

doing my little end of schoolyear rituals(washing my coat, doing maintenance on my backpack)

thecreature 🌙 447 days ago

the creature emerges...

thecreature 💻 448 days ago

Buttons have been added! free evening now, might have icecream later yeehaw

thecreature 💻 448 days ago

I wanna make buttons for my subpages but idk how they should look yet

thecreature 🤩 449 days ago

rewatching metalocalypse and got to renovationklok today. Crush the industry is still my favorite song its amazing

thecreature 🙂 450 days ago

these status and mood things might actually be pretty good for monitoring myself. using my neocities fixation for mental health?!?

thecreature ✅ 450 days ago

end of schoolyear maintenance day today(mending clothes and washing my backpack) and writing my silly little essay(might be on site soon^^)

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