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Whatever's going through my mind.


tetrisk 💻 6 days ago

Making small games is fantastic not just for learning the workflow, but also as a huge confidence boost for more ambitious games.

tetrisk 💻 13 days ago

I feel somewhat guilty reusing my own old code like it's cheating.

tetrisk 💻 14 days ago


tetrisk 💻 16 days ago

assets, assets, assets, assets...

tetrisk 💻 22 days ago

Building a PC looks so fucking fun

tetrisk 🎨 24 days ago

It's a shame how deviantart has essentially just become an AI art gallery.

tetrisk 📺 25 days ago

Making and organizing my media backlog is strangely fun.

tetrisk 🎷 28 days ago

Music can really boost my mood

tetrisk 💻 29 days ago

I want to do a 60 hour no-sleep stream at some point.

tetrisk 💻 30 days ago


tetrisk 💻 37 days ago

I'm going fucking insane. I can't do anything without a chair and table.

tetrisk 🎨 53 days ago

My drawing ability, speed and ideas go down 90% if I'm streaming

tetrisk ✏️ 63 days ago

Things really feel that they start coming together when you see the same information repeated in different texts.

tetrisk ✏️ 64 days ago

Is everything just an inspiration of something else?

tetrisk 💻 73 days ago

r/Bossfight is one of the best things the internet has invented

tetrisk ✈️ 97 days ago

Flights always make me reflect on my mortality.

tetrisk 🎨 98 days ago

I really feel my art skills have stagnated this past year or so. And it makes sense why.

tetrisk 💤 107 days ago

Just found out that one unforgettable nightmare I had as a kid is called a "geometric nightmare". I can't believe that shit had a name.

tetrisk 💻 119 days ago

I get a weird satisfaction out of optimizing code

tetrisk 🍔 131 days ago

My brain is fucking fried. I just want this semester to end. Just a few more days... I'll celebrate with burgers, peanuts and cookies.

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