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technoqueer 😴 6 days ago

french guy called me "sissy" this morning. yet another indignity acted upon me by the french

technoqueer 🔥 20 days ago

ethernet stopped working. ugh.

technoqueer 💔 58 days ago

had to throw out some cucumbers that were going bad. day ruined.

technoqueer 🤐 68 days ago

being a mentally ill adult isn't fun but I see mentally ill teens on the internet and thank god I'm not 15 anymore

technoqueer ☕️ 68 days ago

the fact that I had a relative die on and forever change the way I view my birthday is a bit akechicoded tbh

technoqueer 🤖 68 days ago

your "son" is posting about forcefemming robots on tumblr dot com

technoqueer 🌈 68 days ago

I probably won't publish the blog post for a while but just so everyone knows the irish creme monster is good as hell

technoqueer 🎮 86 days ago

my soul will only know peace once we get a persona 2 remake

technoqueer ✏️ 89 days ago

i've had a post about john mcwhorter sitting in my drafts for over a year now but he just doesn't stop giving me new things to talk about

technoqueer 🤒 89 days ago

one of my coworkers tried convincing me to watch the big bang theory. I'm fighting the war against autism on the side of autism

technoqueer 🙂 97 days ago

I am never going to get better 👍

technoqueer ✏️ 99 days ago

bitches love it when I exhibit symptoms

technoqueer 📚 142 days ago

put together a bookshelf #butch

technoqueer 🤔 146 days ago

I have acquired a windows xp drawing tablet

technoqueer 🎶 150 days ago

gonna rehaul the song journal. i don't think it's gonna be fun but it's better i do it sooner rather than later

technoqueer 📺 153 days ago

never talking about breaking bad with white people ever again. you are all dumb as hell god bless

technoqueer 💾 154 days ago

a loudmouth transmisogynist CEO is only the second-worst thing about tumblr. the first is that all gifs automatically convert to webp

technoqueer 😭 154 days ago

my sims 3 save got CORRUPTED and now the game crashes any time I try to load it. pain and agony and suffering

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