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i'm suspiciouslyBee, a cute agender honeybee (she/her) on the internet!! I have ADHD Combined type and I like retro computing, and computer hardware is a special interest of mine.


suspiciouslybee 🌧️ 289 days ago

for anyone concerned: not ignoring anyone specifically. im litterally having most of my day taken up by college and work rn

suspiciouslybee 😭 292 days ago

study, work, sleep, and maybe once a week, something nice like social interaction

suspiciouslybee 🔥 311 days ago

fuck cryptobros!!!!!!!!! fuck techbros!!!!!!

suspiciouslybee 🤔 311 days ago

there are other people like me in this class

suspiciouslybee 😎 317 days ago

oh yeah fastest turnaround time for a blog post yet (I WOKE UP AT 5:30 AND FINISHED IT BY 8:30)

suspiciouslybee 🙂 320 days ago

yes i do have blog posts im drafting im just distracted with VR

suspiciouslybee 🤔 333 days ago

wait. i think streaming makes me an entertainer does it??

suspiciouslybee 😱 347 days ago

my thinkpad's display started to break yesterday

suspiciouslybee 🤔 352 days ago

is streaming block a thing. like art block but for streamers.

suspiciouslybee 🥱 353 days ago

man. i wish i could rectify the contradiction of wanting to quit my job and stick with my job.

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