alessia cara is releasing a new album as a birthday gift 4 me.... how sweet of her <3 slash jay. im excited!!!!

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- i put a normal amount of thought into stuff
se meus planos de aniversário não derem certo eu juro que acabo com aquela garrafa de vodka da geladeira
que tenha muitas coisinhas legais no evento amanhã pra eu poder comprar mimos de aniversário pra mim mesma amém
medo dos planos pro meu niver não darem certo :(
ok now i have to lock in for real
my friends r so awesomes and cool i like my friends
well i thiiink i deserve to be kissed. pretty pleas.. its yearning hours
this week fucking sucks so far
i see my friends in vc i hop in and they are watching spongebob together. life is awesome
i wish i had some weed on me right now
kissing my puter on the mouth. i missed you so much
who'd imagine that going outside is good for you. wow
alcholol #sextou
because i have my own lesbian beam but that doesnt change everyone elses perception of the character. yknow
liking fictional men feels embarassing. humbling, in a way
i love looking at fictional men and going. no actually youre a lesbian :) To Me. but also im right
and i fucking hate this cigarette smell
being inside of a car with a bad driver is such an easy way to piss me off
a few bong rips would literally fix me right now. maybe id be able to draw without worrying
é só eu sentar no pc e abrir o krita pra desenhar que a ansiedade começa. meu deus oq tem de errado comigo