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get in the water, sink or swim


soulcruzer 👀 152 days ago

focused and on point. just finished writing a post on helen keller and life as a daring adventure.

soulcruzer 🙂 153 days ago

Feeling a bit ambivalent. Wrestling with a drain problem. Not how you want to spend your Saturday afternoon.

soulcruzer 🌧️ 155 days ago

adjusting to the rhythm of the rain

soulcruzer 🙂 161 days ago

I hope you get some space today to quiet your mind and feel your flow.

soulcruzer 🙂 162 days ago

i must remember to relax my death grip on logic and instead embrace the more powerful tool of intuition.

soulcruzer 🙂 165 days ago

a great start to the week

soulcruzer 🙂 167 days ago

solitude returns priceless gifts of insight.

soulcruzer ❤️ 169 days ago

ready for a day of peace, love, and joy.

soulcruzer 🙂 170 days ago

i'm happy with the new design of the website.

soulcruzer 🙂 184 days ago

laughing to keep from crying.

soulcruzer 😇 185 days ago

Finding Balance on the Spiritual Path

soulcruzer 🙂 191 days ago

When hyper-surreal madness takes hold, you just have to surrender to the loopy vibes.

soulcruzer 🙂 219 days ago

wrestling with myself as a fictional character

soulcruzer 👀 220 days ago

i got pixie dust in my eyes

soulcruzer 🙂 222 days ago

reading 'rat king' by china mieville

soulcruzer 🔥 225 days ago

i had a resurge of creative energy this afternoon.

soulcruzer 🙂 226 days ago

trying to get blogging ecosystem right.

soulcruzer 🙂 263 days ago

I know it's only Monday, but it feels like Wednesday already!

soulcruzer 🙂 269 days ago

full belly and chillin'

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