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get in the water, sink or swim


soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 20 hours ago

people have a natural instinct for truth.

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 1 day ago

We're missing a trick if we don't push the narrative of the collective intelligence

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 3 days ago

i often find myself floating somewhere between a life of pleasure and a life of contemplation.

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 4 days ago

the fleeting nature of meaning is on my tits today

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 8 days ago

the paradox of Chuang Tzu am i a man dreaming i'm a butterfly or am i butterfly dreaming i'm a man? πŸ¦‹

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 14 days ago

it's friday afternoon and i can feel the tug of the weekend

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 18 days ago

i'm in one of those weird mental spaces where i am transitioning from the old to the new

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 27 days ago

what does that mean to me spiritually?

soulcruzer πŸ‘€ 27 days ago

I don’t have infinite time, I know this, so whatever I’m doing, however I want to be and have to be it now, live each as if it’s your last..

soulcruzer πŸ“š 31 days ago

reading marion milner's 'a life of one's own'

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 32 days ago

alive and kicking

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 41 days ago

catching up some reading

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 59 days ago

the blog needs a good spring clean

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 65 days ago

today is one of those grey-assed days where I just want to curl up with a good book and disappear.

soulcruzer 😱 67 days ago

day 2 without any caffeinated coffee

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 70 days ago

finally getting myself organised

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 75 days ago

where have I been?

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 86 days ago

working on re-inventing myself as a digital sageβ€”part technologist, part librarian, part philosopher.

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 94 days ago

feeling renewed after a bout of existential angst!

soulcruzer πŸ™‚ 97 days ago

finally back in my own space.

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