i am so sleepyy

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I finished reading my first book in a long while! ♡
i fr dont want to leave the house today tbh
my brain is so empty today
nooo i ran out of instant coffee
having problems with my image hosting site.. its been buggy for years but i simply put up with it.. now i think im ready to leave!
My eink tablet arrived yesterday ♡ excited to read!
Crying because i love our cats so much
In bed the whole day!
About to make bad financial decisions
My cats miss meee and i miss them tooo (they're just in the other room)
I am FREE and can chill again 🥰
2pm on a monday and she's already tired yes i am she
Sadge the 2nd hand ereader ive been keeping tabs on got purchased today
Basically my whole day is figuring out which digital note taking app on android is best for me 🍅
Somatic freeze whole evening
Its so comfy and warm under the sheets aaah i dont wanna get up
Researching e-ink devices!
good morning
good morning, getting nails done today + meetup w/ mi friend ✨