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shinyexe 🎮 287 days ago

finally got pokemon violet. time 2 shift into full autism mode

shinyexe 🎲 292 days ago

everything in this world is part of my game

shinyexe 🙂 298 days ago

i wish i could pet a seal

shinyexe 😭 303 days ago

wtf omegle is dead???

shinyexe 🎶 307 days ago

man i wish gumi had more songs in project diva

shinyexe 💀 312 days ago

can't sleep rn lol. anywayz, happy halloween :D

shinyexe 🥳 316 days ago

finally got my stuff packed up so now i get to chillax :3

shinyexe 💤 320 days ago

the worst part of moving is having 2 pack stuff up when im still so so sleepy

shinyexe 🐶 321 days ago

so cruel of the world to make me mildly allergic to dogs

shinyexe 🌱 322 days ago

added another dead moth 2 my collection, rip little guy o7

shinyexe 😭 323 days ago

wah i keep starting things and not finishing them

shinyexe 💤 325 days ago

too eepy to do anything...

shinyexe 💀 328 days ago

gonna see how many horror movies i can watch by the end of the month ^w^

shinyexe 📺 330 days ago

finally sat down and watched a movie for the 1st time in months (it was hostel, gonna watch the sequel later)

shinyexe 💻 332 days ago

got an awesome idea 4 my site but it's probably gonna be a nightmare to code lol

shinyexe 💻 335 days ago

trying to study up on hacking but my brain does not wanna cooperate

shinyexe 📖 337 days ago

i think reading the last days of foxhound changed me as a person

shinyexe 🥳 338 days ago

my dad's finally getting a divorce

shinyexe 🎮 340 days ago

sos shiny hunting in a randomizer is worse than medieval torture

shinyexe 💀 341 days ago

i wanna watch a ton of horror movies for october, but i have such a hard time focusing on movies aaauuuuuu

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