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saltuarium 🥹 4 days ago

someday. someday someone will sign my guestbook

saltuarium 🙂 10 days ago

want to make some shrines but i'm bad at html and can't find any templates

saltuarium 😎 10 days ago

i'm still alive and planning on updating my website i'm just consumed by art fight

saltuarium 🙃 34 days ago

why would you set off fireworks at 2 pm on june the 21st outside a grocery store. get a job!!!!

saltuarium 🙂 40 days ago

it's hard to make a website when you have a cat who thinks she needs to be held in your arms 24/7 and who also enjoys smashing the keyboard

saltuarium 🙂 46 days ago

i've always wanted a bloodstone obelisk for no reason other than i think it would be fun to be able to say that i own a bloodstone obelisk

saltuarium 😇 48 days ago

it's a new thing. it's a fun thing. it's a swing wing. it's a what?

saltuarium 🎶 50 days ago

drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was wet

saltuarium 🤔 60 days ago

i miss making ocs with other people i feel like i'm so bad at actual character interactions

saltuarium 🌧️ 61 days ago

i was up at 3 am sheltering from a tornado my job should just pay me to stay home and watch iwtv but alas i must Work

saltuarium 😶 66 days ago

took a picture of a weird tree to try to ID it later and my phone just told me what it is unprompted. kinda disturbing

saltuarium 😎 67 days ago

figured out what my problem was. i'm a coding god

saltuarium 🤐 67 days ago

i want to ask for help with html stuff but i know it's really basic stuff i should know so reddit will just downvote me again

saltuarium 💀 67 days ago

shouldn't've watched the newest iwtv episode so late i don't want to sleep i want to think abt my beautiful princess with a disorder (louis)

saltuarium 🥳 68 days ago

i love clown meat my friend clown meat

saltuarium 🍙 73 days ago

i think something in my brain just switched and now i like avocado? what happened

saltuarium 🥺 75 days ago

i missed the northern lights bc i assumed they wouldn't be visible where i live.........

saltuarium 🥺 78 days ago

ough ouch ow my knees

saltuarium 🤔 79 days ago

why is all my text all the way over there. stretch out a little. make yourself comfortable

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