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reverie | eve
cat in a sunbeam


reverieve 🥹 47 days ago

overly emotional about the hand-made mug my friend gave me; it’s so perfect for coffee AND soup

reverieve 🤖 51 days ago

me vs my attachment to characters who are deeply oblivious to (or willfully avoidant of) how much others care about them

reverieve 👽 55 days ago

so weird to meet my friends’ babies / kids. whoa. hi, small human being with developing thoughts and feelings and opinions

reverieve ✏️ 56 days ago

egg shell chrysalis apple core entropy bird song pendulum sundial solstice fig tree adder stone sea foam shadow

reverieve 😭 57 days ago

I miss my D&D character

reverieve 📚 59 days ago

honestly I think I’m coming around on StoryGraph - I really like the tagging system

reverieve ❤️ 63 days ago

long weekend, I love u

reverieve 😴 65 days ago

maybe it’s just that I’m a creature of habit but I struggle with changing things on the blog, even if I think the change is good

reverieve ❤️ 67 days ago

moomins on the brain

reverieve ❄️ 71 days ago

I’m plastic-wrapped in apathy and cannot wiggle my way out rn

reverieve 📖 81 days ago

forgot my headphones, so I can’t audiobook while I work today…🫠

reverieve 🐱 85 days ago

al is sick rn, so I’ve been sitting by him while he eats. wil is NOT happy about this “preferential treatment” & cries until I sit with her

reverieve 🧐 85 days ago

(avoiding eye contact with my responsibilities) maybe I should learn shorthand, that could be so useful

reverieve 🍏 88 days ago

feeling a bit lost

reverieve 🤔 89 days ago

friend told me that she always thought I “exuded cat energy” even when I was very much in my ‘not a cat fan’ phase. crazy intuition??

reverieve 🤐 96 days ago

had so much fun yesterday but am battling the WORST case of post-event embarrassment; I should not be allowed to talk to anyone ever

reverieve 🙃 101 days ago

for most tasks, I overestimate the difficulty. not laundry. laundry seems like a 1 hour event, but is really 85 mini-tasks & 3000 years long

reverieve ✨ 105 days ago

lie on the bed with the lights off. the sun comes thru enough to illuminate, but it’s still quietly dim. wind chimes are singing outside.

reverieve 🌙 107 days ago

too tangled up in doubts

reverieve ❤️ 111 days ago

the way my tortie will always leave if I instigate a cuddle, but then come back to wedge herself under my arm & sleep for an hour

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