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a lonely web traveller


puxped 💻 66 days ago

just moved my website to a subdomain

puxped 😎 95 days ago

new domain

puxped 😶 166 days ago

aw heck my ssl certificate expired...

puxped ✨ 196 days ago

dd.mm.yyyy and yyyy-mm-dd are the best date formats.

puxped 🙂 208 days ago

happi nyu year

puxped 💀 225 days ago

i have a blog and notes system on my website but almost never use them... sad, it took a while to make them

puxped 🙂 322 days ago

Iʒe rašbok-rašnakje Zakjoreguufje, pic Ʒitre ramëj...

puxped 💤 389 days ago

I sleep.