they say there are cats on this island. a lot. watch out kittens, im coming for ya!
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Professional lurker. Social anxiety. Please don't be scared of me; I'm probably more scared of you.
fuck shitty laptops and shitty customer service
havent been drawing much bc of the cross stitching, but fuck do i have a lot of drawing ideas!
my laptops battery life fell! battery is the reason i bought this laptop in the first place. why?? lets hope its just subjective feelings...
i couldnt get lore articles past 500 words, and then i write a vent post and it gets to 1k words
cross stitching
i dont wanna grow up
scheduled to be home and do nothing tomorrow
1st day of period and its not hurting that much
ran outta pants, running around at school in two layers of pajama pants
park, trees, green, birds, friends
who invented physics, im hunting down your desendants calculus too. im coming for yall
if i cant find emotional refuge inside my own home i might as well go date a groomer atp
tf does 'home' mean?
home i gotta go home
new to status cafe!