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Nonbinary artist, programmer, and creative!


punkwasp 😎 328 days ago

finally learned how to use Filezilla today lmao

punkwasp 🥰 329 days ago

I think I'm gonna play Stardew Valley tonight... or watch One Piece with my wife. Either or.

punkwasp 📺 331 days ago

Watching Unus Annus compilations because I forgot to take my ADHD meds today and I'm so BORED I can't focus

punkwasp 🙃 332 days ago

getting misgendered sucks

punkwasp 😭 333 days ago

My toxic trait is looking at my website right after a layout change and already wanting to change it again... help

punkwasp 🥰 333 days ago

I appreciate all the people I've met on Neocities so much y'all are so nice and cool and talented aaaaaaaaa

punkwasp 🙃 334 days ago

i am so tired...

punkwasp 💔 349 days ago

It's missing my wife hours... Also I feel like every month my website has a new layout LOL it's been three months and already three layouts

punkwasp 😭 358 days ago

The Minecraft server I was self-hosting for me and my partner broke and I'm mad I just wanna put our Minecraft beds together

punkwasp 🙂 379 days ago

Getting some Art Fight attacks done today :D

punkwasp 🎨 380 days ago

I gotta actually start on my Art Fight attacks today lol, gotta catch up on revenges

punkwasp ✏️ 383 days ago

Gonna try working on an interactive fiction project today.

punkwasp 👀 385 days ago

Trying to subtly convince an old friend from high school to let me help him code a Neocities website LOL

punkwasp 💤 387 days ago

stayed up too late again... also, gonna try to stream tomorrow while i have the house (mostly) to myself

punkwasp ❤️ 388 days ago

Listening to Welcome to Nightvale with my partner and really enjoying it!!!

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