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pseudonym 🐶 30 days ago

puppy is feeling a little better.

pseudonym 🙂 30 days ago

this site is great. it's like what twitter was in 2009 when you texted what you'd had from lunch from your feature phone

pseudonym ☕️ 30 days ago

soup soup soup

pseudonym 🧋 30 days ago

coffee fueled wevdev session

pseudonym 🙃 31 days ago

Was up all night with my sick puppy who couldn't stop vomiting . Went to the emergency vet; it's just kennel cough. Relieved but v tired

pseudonym 🧐 32 days ago

spent the day learning css/javascript. going ok. need to figure out how to structure my webpage, though. all will make sense in time.

pseudonym 📱 32 days ago

What is the pangram

pseudonym 🙂 32 days ago

positioning things with css is... harder to learn than it should be

pseudonym 🌱 32 days ago

*sprouts from a seedling* hello world