Did the vimtutor tutorial to start learning to use Vim as I want to familarise myself with terminal-based text and code editors.

- Homepage
- https://leilukin.com
- contact@leilukin.com
- About
- They/she. Malaysian Chinese queer Millennial. 🏳️🌈
Just watched Cassette Beasts Showcase 2025 live!
Looks like I will need to stay up late to watch Cassette Beasts Showcase 2025 after all.
The Cozy Kitchen DLC of Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is out now!
Finally finished making a new Consistent Bastila Recognition mod for KotOR 2 and updating Alternate Revan Romances REDUX!
Took my blood test yesterday, got the results today. Thankfully, my blood test results appear normal.
The monsoon surge in Malaysia has caused continuous rain two days in a row in my area, making the temperature cold by Malaysia standards.
Fasting after taking dinner early to prepare for my blood test tomorrow.
Went to watch Ne Zha 2 with my parents in the afternoon.
Deleted my old Google accounts that I don't use any more.
Doing spring cleaning to your online accounts and getting rid of ones that you don't use or need any more feels good.
KOTOR Community Portal has released Revision 11 of their mod builds!
Happy International Women's Day!
Updated my Alternate Revan Romances REDUX for KotOR 2 to be compatible with TSL Expanded Ending, which I highly recommend checking out!
Finally finished updating my Star Wars: KotOR 2 mods to be compatible with the next major update of KOTOR Community Portal's mod builds.
Working on testing and updating some of my Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 mods.
Today I learned that Pixel Cat's End has a TV Tropes page.
I have discovered all the spirits currently available in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions and reached level 20!
Just finished the Basic HTML section of freeCodeCamp's Certified Full Stack Developer Curriculum!
Bought Spirit City: Lofi Sessions on sale on Steam. Love its design as a gamified productivity tool!