a cold front has finally made its way to me...it's chilly but I am warm

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winter is typing
background by whimsical!
happy (4 days into the) new year あけおめ~
caught a cold T__T
tried my hand at making perfume today....we'll see how it turned out in a month 0o0!! fingers crossed
applied stick-on nails...the color is called "rose jellyfish" ଳ
day 3 of working on my webbed sight
@sen I MISS BANYARO TOO T___T I was crushed when the game got cancelled </3
new website layout coming along nicely...!
secret secret
spring has sprung... yesterday I pressed some clovers that grew in my backyard✿ฺ
saw an old magazine scan that had the hudie watermark...I miss those dayz
38 days since an update -- I wasn't okay but I'm doing better now
7:55PM tired and sick
oh to be in an open air hot spring while snow falls gently above me....
I am happiest when I'm submerged in a hot bath..
new year new me
I hope everyone reading had a lovely holiday~ I definitely did but..now I'm so tired hehe
gettin in da spirit ♪now listening♪ funky glitter Christmas - nmixx
8:47PM waiting for the weekend. in the meantime, work work work
writing this to remind myself to take my b12