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The 3rd best shark on the Internet


pklucky 🙃 11 days ago

trying to be patient about the fee3 2024 schedule going public but i am going FERAL

pklucky 🥳 13 days ago


pklucky 💀 18 days ago

god i fucking hate vtuber "fans" sometimes jfc

pklucky 😯 18 days ago

was anyone gonna tell me virtua fighter 2 is on steam for 99 cents or was i supposed to find that out myself

pklucky 🥰 19 days ago

made some homemade horchata since i had some leftover oatmeal. pretty good stuff

pklucky 🤩 29 days ago

So excited for FEE3 this year! There isnt a schedule posted yet but i have a feeling it'll be up soon

pklucky 🥳 37 days ago

It's Ryoma Barrenwort's birthday! My NijiEN/Denauth merch is on sale on KoFi and Etsy! Links on my site! (Use code RYOMABDAY24 on KoFi)

pklucky 🤔 42 days ago

thinking about how i did a self tarot reading a while back and how it said id be making money. i technically am, just not how i expected

pklucky 🎮 46 days ago

im hoping to get CoR's database all updated by the time FEE3 rolls around. making pages for each chapter takes so longgggggg

pklucky 🙂 52 days ago

found time to update the website again! hopefully i can update the CoR database soon too

pklucky 🎨 70 days ago

Managed to get one commission done and another one sketched out lets goooooo

pklucky 🥳 87 days ago

website's finally updated again!!

pklucky 🎨 131 days ago

i'm finally putting myself out there with commission stuff and like its nerve-wracking getting feedback but everyone's been so positive!!

pklucky 🤔 134 days ago

i'm expecting a small resurgence in popularity for FE3H so i might make some pins of the characters for the etsy shop

pklucky 💡 169 days ago

working on getting the Cycle of Remorse pages up to date since the game's on version 0.8.0 now!

pklucky 😱 179 days ago

me: haha just gonna take it easy today :) me, minutes later: FUCK I GOTTA DO GROCERY SHOPPING

pklucky 🍶 189 days ago

oh wow this thing has a sake emoji. very relevant guess what i drank tonight

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