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The 3rd best shark on the Internet


pklucky 🎨 43 days ago

i'm finally putting myself out there with commission stuff and like its nerve-wracking getting feedback but everyone's been so positive!!

pklucky 🤔 46 days ago

i'm expecting a small resurgence in popularity for FE3H so i might make some pins of the characters for the etsy shop

pklucky 💡 81 days ago

working on getting the Cycle of Remorse pages up to date since the game's on version 0.8.0 now!

pklucky 😱 91 days ago

me: haha just gonna take it easy today :) me, minutes later: FUCK I GOTTA DO GROCERY SHOPPING

pklucky 🍶 101 days ago

oh wow this thing has a sake emoji. very relevant guess what i drank tonight

pklucky 🥳 109 days ago

finally getting back to streaming!!

pklucky ✅ 123 days ago

I announced this during last stream, but no streams this week since I gotta clean my house up! I'll see you all (hopefully) next Monday!!!

pklucky 😭 124 days ago

it's disheartening to see the like/dislike ratio on certain people's streams... I understand why it's happening but it still hurts

pklucky 🙃 127 days ago

if i dont get a lot of work on Cycle of Remorse done in the near future, blame Stardew Valley

pklucky 🙂 130 days ago

i try to cross-post my tweets here just so people can read my mircoblog ramblings without having to go onto the cursed x bird site

pklucky 🤔 130 days ago

i will never understand drama channels. I was looking into a certain thing "failing" and like idk man it looks like it was a success to me!!

pklucky 💀 130 days ago

there's a woodpecker that keeps pecking at the sides of my house. my guy!! there's nothing for you there!!!!!

pklucky 😂 134 days ago

rediscovered a talent: i can ALMOST recite "Lemme Smash" word for word. tbf i haven't watched it in a long time, so I'm definitely rusty

pklucky 🤩 134 days ago

I feel like i'm finally starting to figure out how to properly use Da Vinci Resolve! So, you can all expect more edited videos in the future

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