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The 3rd best shark on the Internet


pklucky 😭 138 days ago

all my oshis are streaming at the same time i cant watch them allllllllll

pklucky 🥱 141 days ago

Not about anyone on neocities but why is it that it's always some small-name rando who wants to start up shit in fandom spaces my god

pklucky 😯 141 days ago

Very surprised to see that a certain game i had my eye on is at a really low price on ebay. Wont say which one just yet. Hoping i get this

pklucky 😭 149 days ago

Hoping the ibuprofen kicks in soon i really wanna stream today

pklucky 😎 152 days ago

gonna reorganize the home page a bit dont mind me

pklucky 🙃 153 days ago

on one hand i wanna get off social media on the other hand i have to promote my livestreams and a personal website alone is not gonna cut it

pklucky 💻 156 days ago

the ssd and ram upgrade for my new laptop are coming in! super excited :D

pklucky 😭 161 days ago

Kyo kaneko graduating is starting to hit me. I wanna watch the rest of his last stream but im so tired. When i wake up tomorrow he'll be gon

pklucky 💻 162 days ago

gonna take my mind off things and get back to my personal website. social media was a mistake lmao

pklucky 🌧️ 162 days ago

did not mean to use the smiley face for that last status but whatever

pklucky 🙂 162 days ago

feeling lost and out of place. vtubers, fire emblem, self-shipping... their communities feel foreign, hostile, or both right now

pklucky 💔 164 days ago

stepping away from twitter because so much is happening in the vtuber community and my mental health will absolutely tank if i stay

pklucky ❤️ 205 days ago

i bought valentine's day stuff early this year and its been hiding in plain sight for a whole day. my husband has said nothing. I'm a genius

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