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pepyo 🤖 141 days ago


pepyo ❄️ 146 days ago

i would like it if we could meet in person, even if just once

pepyo 😡 148 days ago

i can't remember if i put down the wrong answer, and i cant tell if i'd get full credit for an answer that was close to being right. hate.

pepyo 💀 155 days ago

this class sucks

pepyo 💀 158 days ago

got an anxiety spike thinking about my data structures class... i hate when grade announcements come so late.

pepyo 😡 162 days ago

I fucked up on that quiz question. FUUUUCK!

pepyo 💀 162 days ago

exhausted and my head kinda hurts. hopefully lunch fixes this

pepyo 💀 166 days ago

i just want everything to slow down

pepyo 💀 171 days ago

so many jobs i do not yet qualify for. gotta scour for internships

pepyo 💤 172 days ago

i think my problem is that i keep getting lulled into false senses of security. oyasumi

pepyo 💀 176 days ago

physics homework going to be the death of me

pepyo 💀 176 days ago

starting to regret goofing off yesterday. augh.

pepyo 📖 178 days ago

50 minutes...

pepyo 💀 178 days ago

hrnngh 20 more minutes. let me out of here! ... and i still have 1 more class today!

pepyo 💀 178 days ago

"what a week huh?" captain, its tuesday

pepyo 📱 183 days ago

6 more minutes

pepyo 😭 183 days ago

let me freeeeee.... 50 minutes to go, argh

pepyo 💤 183 days ago

urgh, i didnt sleep well last night

pepyo 😱 183 days ago

i hope i get a good grade on this essay. i hope my tone doesnt get misread as dismissive

pepyo 🥱 185 days ago

40 more minutes until i can get out of here and get my prints!!!

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