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pepyo 🙂 6 days ago

sometimes the idea of drawing environments brings me great anguish until i remember i can 3d model

pepyo 😶 8 days ago

i need to stop being barefoot when there are mosquitoes in this house

pepyo 😶 8 days ago

interesting times huh? [hit by a truck]

pepyo 😡 9 days ago

# of mosquitoes killed right after they bit me: 2. hate it

pepyo 💔 34 days ago

i am attractive to the wrong kind of women (mosquitoes)

pepyo 🌮 61 days ago

did someone eat my last cannoli....?

pepyo 🍱 65 days ago

cant tell if these noodles r still hot or its just the spiciness

pepyo 🍦 65 days ago

wish i had more twix

pepyo 🍱 68 days ago

yaaaay cheesy rice

pepyo ✏️ 71 days ago

gonna do a big candle run, cross fingers for job interviews, and try to sleep early

pepyo 💔 72 days ago

job search MACRO hell. the hell is very big

pepyo 🍱 72 days ago

cereal at almost 4 am

pepyo 🙃 73 days ago

i wish i had brain bleach, but i guess ill try to forget about what i just read the normal way

pepyo 🎮 75 days ago

canker sore is still being mean to me. in other news, Hades is really fun!

pepyo 🍶 76 days ago

strawberry milk doesnt taste like strawberries but they sure do taste like pink

pepyo 🤒 76 days ago

wish this canker sore would go away

pepyo 💔 76 days ago

waaa i cant wait to see my cousins again

pepyo 🙂 77 days ago

i can feel the vision loss setting in

pepyo 💀 83 days ago

job search micro hell

pepyo 🎮 89 days ago

man, this is the second time this game crashed on me. maybe its a sign to take a break...

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