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If you were to tell a story
how would it go?
Would I be in it?
Yes or no?

It feels like springtime in my mind

It feels like summer all the time


peasized 😯 9 days ago

imagine clear moon in the black sky

peasized 😡 11 days ago

buns are so mid compared to dumplings like 🙄

peasized 💀 15 days ago

revisiting fleet foxes because of hunter biden

peasized 🤔 16 days ago

wanting new kitten……. perhaps a boy….. named monkey…… siamese type so he can sing with his sister….

peasized 😯 22 days ago


peasized 😯 23 days ago

tonight, rat poison for dinner! pull the cord from the phone, i am dining alone

peasized 🥰 30 days ago

young thug is cute

peasized 🙂 39 days ago

dying to watch longlegs

peasized 💀 49 days ago

it’s kinda funny how when there’s a tornado ppl keep driving like nothing is happening

peasized 😱 57 days ago

the uncle from persona 4 is sexy with it…

peasized 💀 60 days ago

got back on tiktok and there are people saying that “they” launched a sun simulator after the eclipse… ok……

peasized 😛 66 days ago

i love dupes. i love bootlegs. i love pirating. free and cheap. i love it.

peasized ✨ 71 days ago

te tengo todo pa mi 🫶🫶🫶🫶 estoy segura que no te quieres ir 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶

peasized 😡 72 days ago

help i NEED tickets to blood brothers reunion

peasized ❤️ 82 days ago

thankful to be in the same timeline as fireflies 🩷

peasized 🌱 87 days ago

fate is a cruel snake with bitter herbs and spices….

peasized 🤔 91 days ago

how are you gonna freak out about the concept of ethical cannibalism but eat ur placenta 🤔

peasized 🙂 92 days ago

wedding planning is funnnnn. time to be one of THOSE ppl >:-)

peasized 🧐 93 days ago

laughing cuz i made a bunch of accounts around the same time exeter came out and they’re all related to songs -every moment special -

peasized 😎 94 days ago

got engaged today 🤪

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