cleaned, played guitar, doodled... now just wanna play video games
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kain ! ♡ otoge, shoujo, and yeonjun.
it snowed and being outside in the snow sucks but inside is the best
it snowed but it melted
sleepy after a hectic week
been helping unpack and never seen so much boxes in my life. my back is aching
wanting to try my hand at 3d art but looking at what programs to start with
tummy hurts because lactose. i keep punishing myself
had an injury on my hand, banged the same finger because an idiot
distraught over finishing basara, it's my new personality now
ate so much the last three days
also basara is amazing. the fact i didn't read it sooner is a crime
been binging the hana yori dori manga and wow, it's so melodramatic
the weekend but work first
i'm alive
tuesday already
i get so distracted easily
my eyes hurt so taking a break
head aching
took a fat nap
being home is the best after a long day. now gonna play my switch