i have GOT to make a tsuire/subahibi/ayana shrine. eventually
- Homepage
- https://eyeorb.net
- Not defined
- About
i'll style this page eventually
i would like to write more blog posts but i always forget what i should write about
ummm i have to make a new button for my site badly but i dont want to
i love hidamari sketch <- hasnt finished season 4 after many months because severe mental issues
i added the yume nikki dame generator to my nekoweb hehehehe transferred it from my old neocities
dude my elements.css was wacky for weeks apparently and i didnt notice?? its fixed now
new art on the art page... also 80+ followers wtf
might make a susumu hirasawa fansite soon, custom domain and all... however what should i put on it
i want to study asian religions like buddhism, shinto and taoism... perhaps incorporate some of their values into my worldview as well
my favorite pokemon as of late are meowstic, mismagius, and sigilyph
new blog post after 2 months lol
addicted to webfishing
sometimes i wish i could make a black souls 2 shrine without getting shit for it
new about page....again.....v_v
i want to get back into updating my site again but i Kinda have to get used to coding so much again and possibly relearn things uh oh
literally almost nothing interesting goes on in my life so havent been motivated to do much with my site
i am back... new shrine (pathologic)
i completely lost motivation for my site rn sorry, maybe soon ill regain it
maybe i should open up my site again soon...but ouuuuggghhhh