i completely lost motivation for my site rn sorry, maybe soon ill regain it
- Homepage
- https://eye.nekoweb.org
- Not defined
- About
i'll style this page eventually
maybe i should open up my site again soon...but ouuuuggghhhh
i wanna make a franken fran shrine....
re:last status, it happened again last night, i had another "being chased" dream...
i often have nightmares of being chased by literally anything.. this surellly doesn't mean much
i think ill start working on that pathologic shrine soon
new blog post im so terrified breh
nothing to say recently, lost a lot of motivation for my site but hopefully will update more soon once i get ideas
haibane renmei making me hollow again weeks after i watched it Im so hollow and cant stop crying over it
i want my site to have a purpose other than just looking cool but im working on it..........
im hollow
added more links, updated komeiji shrine, etc etc. i plan to overhaul some other stuff too...
becoming a misanthropist its over
made everything slightly more grey by 60% it looks nice like this
i got my komeiji fumos.. new blog post up
soooo excited for my satori and koishi fumos to arrive tomorrow
the image of the week on my website right now is so fucking funny i cant get over it still
cosplay page is up finally, sorry it was never started for a long time
i finally bought komeiji fumos... both of them!!!!!
have not updated this extensively in a loong time whoops