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i'll style this page eventually


orb 🙂 53 days ago

i made a new main page...

orb 🙂 56 days ago

my new info page is up !

orb 🙂 56 days ago

i want to contribute something good to the world

orb 🙂 59 days ago

have to make that cosplay page soon but uhhh uhhhh

orb 🙂 60 days ago

being autistic over siberia mongolia central asia etc.

orb 🙂 62 days ago

my blog is back up, with a new theme

orb 🙂 62 days ago

blog page is temporarily down as i work on a new layout for it

orb 🙂 62 days ago

i finished the first season of hidamari sketch yesterday.. pretty nice

orb 🙂 64 days ago

i love paranoia agent opening it is very special to me

orb 😶 65 days ago

im starting to freak out due to being on nekoweb front page

orb 🙂 68 days ago

new song of the month. nashimoto ui is the only vocaP i love a lott

orb 🙂 70 days ago

need to replay clara route pathologic so i can finally make that shrine

orb 🙂 71 days ago

koishi and satori komeiji shrine is pretty much done now except for adding text because i cant for some things right now

orb 🙂 71 days ago

im about to gut my komeiji shrine and replace it with an improved one

orb 🙂 75 days ago

there are so little touhou fans on nekoweb

orb 🙂 76 days ago

new drawing for the information page

orb 🌙 88 days ago

new blog post, its my longest one yet

orb 🙂 97 days ago

new song of the month, as per usual

orb 🙂 112 days ago

been really burnt out recently

orb 🙂 126 days ago

new blog post albeit very short

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